Like politics and politicians, economics is too important to be left to the economists.
The dividing line between economics and politics is anyway artificial. We live in a political economy.
Finance is not the same as economics. Economics is not primarily about money. However, economics and accounting need to be better aligned so that business can become more responsive to humanity’s problems.
Economics is not intrinsically difficult for the non-specialist or those without advanced mathematics to understand.
Mainstream economists have, however, been very successful in mystifying and mathematising their subject so removing it from public scrutiny, as well as claiming it as a value-free science, with a uniquely privileged authority in public discourse.
Mainstream economics relies on outdated, mechanistic, static and linear approaches rather than the evolutionary, organismic and dynamic approach adopted by other disciplines.
Heterodox economists, women and men, who are more anchored in the real world and see the economy serving people rather than people serving the economy, have struggled to have their voices heard.
Non-economists need to be sufficiently informed to understand and join this struggle and can be so with a little effort. The purpose of this website, especially my book-length1 essay, “Wrong Economics Matters”, is to help them.
But first, “Why Listen to Me”. Next, be introduced to some of my heterodox economist “Heroes” and their books, and finally take a first look at my visual presentation of the “Revolution“ in the paradigm. Then you’ll be (even more) interested to read my essay.
You can download/print the two paradigm visuals as a takeaway summary for reflection, discussion and questions.
Improving economics to make it address the urgent and existential threats to humanity is likely to catalyse a broader shift to a new planetary culture necessary, but not a guarantee, for human survival.
[1] Please don’t ignore the footnotes. Some are informal and informative; others just give references.